Monday, May 31, 2010

Hey ya'll

my grandmothers cancer came back and they caught it to late, so now i am officially living with Jim and Riley. and yes Riley's mother hates the fact that this is happen that she has to put up with the nosey little baby. Really Athena is quiet but u no i might just make her the nosiest baby in the world naw I'm to nice and besides i like living her Athena to she just loves seeing Riley in the morning. my baby girl is to die for she's beautiful. I'm just a little bit upset about the fact that Athena will never have a "real" dad i mean she'll have Riley as a fake dad but i don't want to rune me and his friends ship and i no he likes me but he just needs to finish school and i cant have him going around school saying my girlfriend has a 3 month old baby girl. it would rune the friend ship we have and i love him for taking me in and all but he is just a little bit immature and that's great because he's still a boy and he needs to grow up but i don't want to rune the connection we have....he's great with my baby but he needs to grow up and find a real girlfriend one that doesn't have a baby and if he wants sex he can get it from her not me.... i love him like my brother....oh well say la v...


Little Mommy

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