Saturday, May 15, 2010

at the hospital

hey y'all

so i go out for a few hours for a break cuz my grandmother said she would look after Athena which was a nice break. i come home to find Athena in a high chair alone and crying so i pick her up then i walk to my grandmothers room she's passed out and not breathing so i called the hospital and they came and got her now Athena and i are waiting for the test results. Athena was crying alone for about an hour... i feel like such a horrible mother i cant believe myself I'm such a terrible person for now on I'm not leaving Athena's for anything!

If my grandmother is sick she has some kind of cold so they want to watch her over night... so i have to stay with some one or on my own... Riley is with me he's watching Athena and I'm blogging its so painful for me to see her like that on oxygen cuz she cant breath on her own. I love her and i don't want her to leave... if anything take me and not her i love Athena and i love how she fits into my arms and i love how that every morning she smiles thow its probably from gas lol! my savior is Riley he said that i can move into his house with his mom and dad i could have the down stairs basement till my grandmother is released from the hospital and if she dies in the hospital i can live with them see Jim Rileys father is like the dad i never had my mother and him were high school sweet hearts Jim is a handsom name not my type thow ewww. Jenny is Rileys mom she was the nicest person i new and i liked her but when i got pregnant with Athena she stuck her nose up at me and never said anything nice to me what a hoe she is i hate her guts.... but the doc with the test are back so ZOOM ZOOM

Little Mommy...

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