Sunday, May 16, 2010

1st morning cry...

hey ya'll

Athena is up and crying Riley has her i said take her to Jim. But Riley just said no i got it. i fed Athena already and i changed her... Xander called me hers super funny he said that he would be my baby daddy but i said that i don't need a baby daddy... i slept so good last night Athena sleeps better when Riley's around thank god he's always around lol... if ur wondering about Grandmother she's gotten worse they say she may not make it threw the night but my Grandmother is to hard headed to die and i told them that... Riley said that i should start packing to move in with him but i said to him she will make it just watch... Riley really wants me to move in then he could see me every day he'd be so happy. i love that he cares so much for me but its a little annoying some times. Athena is in my lap I'm sting cross legged. she's farting so she's smiling a lot i love her smile its so cute.... my baby is just a doll and i would do anything for her :). idk what i would do if i gave her away or had an abortion then i wouldn't have this perfect daughter. sure it was hard at first but i got the hang of things her dipper changes and her feedings. every thing else just came naturally like the mothering and the who not to let hold my baby. Athena Aphrodite Black is just a gift from god and not a cures she makes anyone smile... even me and i don't smile easily. and no im not Emo... im a Little Mommy <3

Zoom Zoom

Little Mommy

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