Tuesday, May 18, 2010

hey ya'll

its me again i got some good news Grandmother is going to make it they put her on some kind of drug don't no what its called but it makes her drowsy. So im still staying with Riley and Freda stays with Grandmother she's a take with u were ever u go nurse shes really funny and Grandmother seems to like her... Riley said i need to go to school but i don't want to so Jim is hiring a touter... joy she will come every day just like a I'm in a regular high school... and its do 1 subject every hour and if i need to get Athena then i can... i start next school year and it will be a good thing for me so then i can get my education just like i would with out Athena but i will miss having to get up in the morning to go to school but Jim said as soon as Athena can go to daycare is when i go to regular high school but by then i will have to go to collage lol...it should be interesting... I don't no the touters name yet Jim's trying to find one that will let me go if i need to take care of Athena and the options are very low... he said if I cant find one I'll touter you my self. to that my friends i laughed... Riley is at school he goes to an all boy school. which he hates because he has no girlfriends... and now he thinks he wont get any girls... to that i laughed as well see Riley is a good looking boy clean cut mostly for school and he has his ear pieced but i think it looks gay. i have mine done but thats cuz I'm a girl... I love when he comes home I feel like we play house and he's my boo. its really just to pass the time away and Athena loves it when he comes home but he always has home work which i did have... see i love living with Jim and Riley its just that Riley has not been getting his 8 hours of sleep with Athena and me in the same room so i just stay up all night as much as i can with my baby girl and try to keep her quiet or keep her up as much as i can so she will sleep threw the night.... Riley really needs his sleep and when Athena cry's he wakes up to try and come her down but i don't want him to i just want him to keep asleep... Jim wants me to go to the school with Athena and pick up Riley i said no but Jim said do u like living here? i laughed and agreed to pick him up after school with Athena in the stroller i will at 3:08 thats when he gets out of school... okay well u no who just woke up and its feeding time i will talk to u later!


ur little mommy

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