Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Summer Starts Now!1!!!!!!!

hey ya'll

Riley got off school today and told me that he loved me it crepped me out and i hate the word love its so over used and over rated. but coming from him it made everything seem right like he really meant it.... i herd Hunter Riley's uncle say that he was falling for the wrong girl and that Riley wanst ready to have a baby to look after and that i should have gotten an abortion when i found out i was pragnant with Athena:(


Little Mommy

Monday, May 31, 2010

Hey ya'll

my grandmothers cancer came back and they caught it to late, so now i am officially living with Jim and Riley. and yes Riley's mother hates the fact that this is happen that she has to put up with the nosey little baby. Really Athena is quiet but u no i might just make her the nosiest baby in the world naw I'm to nice and besides i like living her Athena to she just loves seeing Riley in the morning. my baby girl is to die for she's beautiful. I'm just a little bit upset about the fact that Athena will never have a "real" dad i mean she'll have Riley as a fake dad but i don't want to rune me and his friends ship and i no he likes me but he just needs to finish school and i cant have him going around school saying my girlfriend has a 3 month old baby girl. it would rune the friend ship we have and i love him for taking me in and all but he is just a little bit immature and that's great because he's still a boy and he needs to grow up but i don't want to rune the connection we have....he's great with my baby but he needs to grow up and find a real girlfriend one that doesn't have a baby and if he wants sex he can get it from her not me.... i love him like my brother....oh well say la v...


Little Mommy

Thursday, May 27, 2010

hey ya'll

its me and Athena and Riley are so cute they were sleeping on the couch when i came in the room. Riley was reading her Romeo and Juilet for english and he hates it, he said that she loved it lol well i only have a short time to wright this so Athena got her shots and Jim is sick well. Athena needs me so ttyl....


Little Mommy

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Grandmother is in a home

hey ya'll

it feels like its been for ever since i blogged last... I've been cleaning out grandmothers house and found some old cloths that fit Athena its amazing and they were mine at one point... its fun to find old stuff i found some old money that Riley would like... there from the 1900's its amazing Grandmother is in a home now she dosnt like it but she is to week to live on her own and i can look after her and Athena it would be to much but she gets to read my blog every day so she will no what im up to every day its really neat that she knows now to use a computer...lol but hey she wants to no what is happing with me and my life... im just chillin with Riley he got off school early so he is watching Athena with Jim... he is such a little LB though he just dont no when to quit being an asshole... but hey i love him and i love that he gave me a place to say till my mom or some one comes to get me but my mom doesnt want me to not go to school... every little thing would set her bf off and i really dont want to get hit by him... so i might just stay with Riley and Jim.... okay i only get to blog when Athena is not crying so ttyl...


Little Mommy

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

hey ya'll

its me again i got some good news Grandmother is going to make it they put her on some kind of drug don't no what its called but it makes her drowsy. So im still staying with Riley and Freda stays with Grandmother she's a take with u were ever u go nurse shes really funny and Grandmother seems to like her... Riley said i need to go to school but i don't want to so Jim is hiring a touter... joy she will come every day just like a I'm in a regular high school... and its do 1 subject every hour and if i need to get Athena then i can... i start next school year and it will be a good thing for me so then i can get my education just like i would with out Athena but i will miss having to get up in the morning to go to school but Jim said as soon as Athena can go to daycare is when i go to regular high school but by then i will have to go to collage lol...it should be interesting... I don't no the touters name yet Jim's trying to find one that will let me go if i need to take care of Athena and the options are very low... he said if I cant find one I'll touter you my self. to that my friends i laughed... Riley is at school he goes to an all boy school. which he hates because he has no girlfriends... and now he thinks he wont get any girls... to that i laughed as well see Riley is a good looking boy clean cut mostly for school and he has his ear pieced but i think it looks gay. i have mine done but thats cuz I'm a girl... I love when he comes home I feel like we play house and he's my boo. its really just to pass the time away and Athena loves it when he comes home but he always has home work which i did have... see i love living with Jim and Riley its just that Riley has not been getting his 8 hours of sleep with Athena and me in the same room so i just stay up all night as much as i can with my baby girl and try to keep her quiet or keep her up as much as i can so she will sleep threw the night.... Riley really needs his sleep and when Athena cry's he wakes up to try and come her down but i don't want him to i just want him to keep asleep... Jim wants me to go to the school with Athena and pick up Riley i said no but Jim said do u like living here? i laughed and agreed to pick him up after school with Athena in the stroller i will at 3:08 thats when he gets out of school... okay well u no who just woke up and its feeding time i will talk to u later!


ur little mommy

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Last Blog For a while :(

hey Ya'll

this will be my last blog for a while

Zoom Zoom

Little Mommy

1st morning cry...

hey ya'll

Athena is up and crying Riley has her i said take her to Jim. But Riley just said no i got it. i fed Athena already and i changed her... Xander called me hers super funny he said that he would be my baby daddy but i said that i don't need a baby daddy... i slept so good last night Athena sleeps better when Riley's around thank god he's always around lol... if ur wondering about Grandmother she's gotten worse they say she may not make it threw the night but my Grandmother is to hard headed to die and i told them that... Riley said that i should start packing to move in with him but i said to him she will make it just watch... Riley really wants me to move in then he could see me every day he'd be so happy. i love that he cares so much for me but its a little annoying some times. Athena is in my lap I'm sting cross legged. she's farting so she's smiling a lot i love her smile its so cute.... my baby is just a doll and i would do anything for her :). idk what i would do if i gave her away or had an abortion then i wouldn't have this perfect daughter. sure it was hard at first but i got the hang of things her dipper changes and her feedings. every thing else just came naturally like the mothering and the who not to let hold my baby. Athena Aphrodite Black is just a gift from god and not a cures she makes anyone smile... even me and i don't smile easily. and no im not Emo... im a Little Mommy <3

Zoom Zoom

Little Mommy

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Rileys house

hey ya'll

Riley's post is very touching and all i do like him he took me and Athena to his house his mother looked at me with such disgust when i arrived with Athena i just walked right by her to Riley's room were he had a crib ready... i love that he has dippers and cloths already for Athena and me its weird that he's always prepared he makes lots of list he has none perishable food items in a cuberd in his room and a king sized bed in his master sweet room. so i sleep in the bed and Athena sleeps in a old fashioned crib that was Riley's when he was a baby boy... Jim came into the room to say good night just as Athena started crying. So Jim picked her up and she stopped crying he's a baby guru lol... but Athena is asleep and i need my sleep was at the hospital all day so im super tired...

Zoom Zoom

Little Mommy

waitting around the hospital :(

hey ya'll

every one at the hospital looks at me like im crazy for breast feeding in public but i think they stare because im 15 and im breast feeding at the same time my grandmother had a heart attack when i left the room thankfully the nurse was in the room when it happened but idk what ppl think of me because i had ppl staring at me when i was pregnant and i had them looking at me when i wasn't and was carrying around a little baby girl. today was hectec and its going to get worse a lady asked me if Athena was my sister and i said no she's my daughter the lady just said oh and walked away lol i just laughed and kissed my baby girl on the cheek i love u baby doll....


Little Mommy

bed time

hey ya'll

its Riley Jessikah and Athena fell asleep at the hospital she left the blog on and so i thought it would be fun to do something stupid and right on her blog... Jessikah is a wonderful mother and she just needs a man with money like me to help her with Athena. I love Jessikah very much and i would do anything for her. I love her more then any one i no more then my own mother only cuz she hates Jessikah for getting pregnant it wasn't Jessikah's fault it was Damon's but mother says that it takes 2 to tango. I mean Jessikah is just as much to blame she aloud him to have sex with her but i love Jessikah just dont no if she loves me back....

Zoom Zoom


at the hospital

hey y'all

so i go out for a few hours for a break cuz my grandmother said she would look after Athena which was a nice break. i come home to find Athena in a high chair alone and crying so i pick her up then i walk to my grandmothers room she's passed out and not breathing so i called the hospital and they came and got her now Athena and i are waiting for the test results. Athena was crying alone for about an hour... i feel like such a horrible mother i cant believe myself I'm such a terrible person for now on I'm not leaving Athena's for anything!

If my grandmother is sick she has some kind of cold so they want to watch her over night... so i have to stay with some one or on my own... Riley is with me he's watching Athena and I'm blogging its so painful for me to see her like that on oxygen cuz she cant breath on her own. I love her and i don't want her to leave... if anything take me and not her i love Athena and i love how she fits into my arms and i love how that every morning she smiles thow its probably from gas lol! my savior is Riley he said that i can move into his house with his mom and dad i could have the down stairs basement till my grandmother is released from the hospital and if she dies in the hospital i can live with them see Jim Rileys father is like the dad i never had my mother and him were high school sweet hearts Jim is a handsom name not my type thow ewww. Jenny is Rileys mom she was the nicest person i new and i liked her but when i got pregnant with Athena she stuck her nose up at me and never said anything nice to me what a hoe she is i hate her guts.... but the doc with the test are back so ZOOM ZOOM

Little Mommy...

my little new born baby girl it took me 4 days to think of a good name for her...
i love u for ever i like u for always as long as I'm living my baby u'll be - Robert Munch.
my little girl at 3 months shes just perfect.... my mother said that Athena looks just like me when i was a baby but to tell u the truth she doesn't. She look like Damon its heart breaking to tell u the truth i hat what he did to me... when i went to this stupid senior party he got me drunk and well u probably no the rest he just has no respect for women and he got my ex bf fl pregnant to i warned her i showed her what he did to me but she still never listened... now shes pregnant with a boy and he will be happy and he will see him every day and pay child support... and never leave her side. my friends name is Carly Benson she is great but she betrayed me and now she is facing the consequence she has no morals and she has no friends i have to get a job soon because im running off of Rileys money he may have lots of money but i dont feel right takeing it i do no that Riley has a crush on my and he loves me -i found his diary that boy has some disturbing ideas lol- but i no that if i fall for him then i dont have to get a job and we would live off of Rileys father's money it sounds greedy but when ur 15 and u have a 3 month old u tend to find ways to get money i do no that i will never have sex well not till im married any way. Athena sleeps great during the day i call her my night owl... Riley is a great guy and i love him but i dont no how much i love him.....
Zoom Zoom
15 year old mommy
hey ya'll

Jessikah here i was up all night with Athena if ur also wondering why i named her that its because i alway wanted that name for my self and she just looked like my little athena aphrodite. my mother came down to see her for the first time since she was born i thought she would get mad and yell at me all day but she just smiled and held my daughter for the longest time even when i had to feed her she just held her and i got a nice break from a crying baby. when my friend Riley came over he brought over his 4 month old nefew Camron to play with Athena. it was so cute. when i went in to labor i was with Riley he drove me to the hospatal. i was in labor for 12 1/2 hours it was so painful. but i'm telling u it was worth it so worth it. Riley is just the sweetest person u would ever want to no. Athena just loves him he treats her like his own which kinda scares me a bit but he loves kids lol.... my family is very old fashened and they find that me having sex at 14 very immature and stupid... but they love her no matter what!!!!! i love that when i wake up every morning i have a little girl next to me... Damons father looked at me 2 days after i had athena and said i neet to loose weight. 2 days after i had a baby that man was disgusting he need to loose weight him self... Riley just looked at him and said that he need to loose the weight and patted his belly and showed him the door... Riley and i have been friends since we were babys. well athena is crying so zoom zoom luvs

15 year old mommy!!!!

Friday, May 14, 2010

still up

hey ya'll

Athena and i r still up and were watching my fav show. comedy now! lol great show... athena wakes up every night same time every night i feed her at least 5 times a day. and change her dipper at least 10 times aday she pees alot more then poops if ur wondering Athena is 3 months old she is my angel my doll my love. the dad if ur wondering never comes around he just donsnt care for her he took one look at her when she was born and the look on his face was heart breaking. like he was disaponted in her because she wasnt a boy he always wanted a boy he was 16 when i was 14 u may think of me as a slut and i agree what i did was very sluty and very stupid. his name is Damon K his father when i told him was very disgusted with me like it was all my fault that i was pergant when Damon was the one who said he was wearing a condom and said that its alright that god was ok with us haveing sex. but then from my mistake i got the most presuse thing in the world my lil Athena Aphrodite she's perfect i only wish she had a father figure she's the most beautiful thing in the world!!!!! i'll update my pics next blog

Zoom Zoom luv ya<3
hi ya'll

im Jessikah im a mom and i am 15 i got pregnat at 14 and had my little Athena Aphrodite on 2 months befor i turned 15 on dec 10. i kept her because when i held her in my arms for the first time i felt like a mom i no im young but Athena is my angel sent down from the gods them self. i named her Athena Aphrodite because she had two bright blue eyes and blonde hair that is curls in to cute little ringletts. My baby is has a lovely smile and she is my baby i love her no matter what happens. yes i may be young but i am a wonderful mother with a bad past but i have a wonderful child to take into the future with me!!!