Saturday, May 15, 2010

hey ya'll

Jessikah here i was up all night with Athena if ur also wondering why i named her that its because i alway wanted that name for my self and she just looked like my little athena aphrodite. my mother came down to see her for the first time since she was born i thought she would get mad and yell at me all day but she just smiled and held my daughter for the longest time even when i had to feed her she just held her and i got a nice break from a crying baby. when my friend Riley came over he brought over his 4 month old nefew Camron to play with Athena. it was so cute. when i went in to labor i was with Riley he drove me to the hospatal. i was in labor for 12 1/2 hours it was so painful. but i'm telling u it was worth it so worth it. Riley is just the sweetest person u would ever want to no. Athena just loves him he treats her like his own which kinda scares me a bit but he loves kids lol.... my family is very old fashened and they find that me having sex at 14 very immature and stupid... but they love her no matter what!!!!! i love that when i wake up every morning i have a little girl next to me... Damons father looked at me 2 days after i had athena and said i neet to loose weight. 2 days after i had a baby that man was disgusting he need to loose weight him self... Riley just looked at him and said that he need to loose the weight and patted his belly and showed him the door... Riley and i have been friends since we were babys. well athena is crying so zoom zoom luvs

15 year old mommy!!!!

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