Thursday, May 20, 2010

Grandmother is in a home

hey ya'll

it feels like its been for ever since i blogged last... I've been cleaning out grandmothers house and found some old cloths that fit Athena its amazing and they were mine at one point... its fun to find old stuff i found some old money that Riley would like... there from the 1900's its amazing Grandmother is in a home now she dosnt like it but she is to week to live on her own and i can look after her and Athena it would be to much but she gets to read my blog every day so she will no what im up to every day its really neat that she knows now to use a but hey she wants to no what is happing with me and my life... im just chillin with Riley he got off school early so he is watching Athena with Jim... he is such a little LB though he just dont no when to quit being an asshole... but hey i love him and i love that he gave me a place to say till my mom or some one comes to get me but my mom doesnt want me to not go to school... every little thing would set her bf off and i really dont want to get hit by him... so i might just stay with Riley and Jim.... okay i only get to blog when Athena is not crying so ttyl...


Little Mommy

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